General buying terms

Based on Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on the rights of passengers when travelling by sea and inland waterway, Regulation (EC) No 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents, General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (in force from 25 May 2018), Law on Transport in Liner and Occasional Coastal Maritime Traffic (Zakon o prijevozu u linijskom i povremenom obalnom pomorskom prometu (NN No. 33/06, 38/09, 87/09, 18/11, 80/13, 56/16, 121/19), Maritime Code (Pomorski zakonik) (NN No. 181/04, 76/07, 146/08, 61/11, 56/13, 26/15, 17/19), Law on Obligations (Zakon o obveznim odnosima) (NN No. 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18), Law on Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (NN No. 42/18), Law on Electronic Commerce (Zakon o elektroničkoj trgovini) (NN No. 173/03, 67/08, 36/09, 130/11, 30/14, 32/19), Law on Consumer Protection (Zakon o zaštiti potrošača) (NN No. 41/14, 110/15, 14/19).


Certain terms within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions have the following meanings:

CARRIER - IVAN TOMIĆ, OIB: 90269902305, as the owner of a trade registered under MBO 91015197 under the name KAPETAN LUKA – KRILO, trade for transport, tourism and services owned by Ivan Tomić, JESENICE, Poljička cesta – Suhi Potok 28, with headquarters in Jesenice.

SHIP - a seagoing vessel whose hull length is greater than 15 m, or which is authorized to carry more than 12 passengers.

AGENCY - a legal entity with which the carrier has a regulated legal relationship and which has the right to sell travel tickets for the fast ferry lines operated by the carrier on its behalf and for its account.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT is the transportation of persons and goods which is accessible to everyone under equal conditions and is carried out on the basis of a transport contract.

SALES POINT - a place in the departure port where the carrier sells travel tickets or a place in the departure port where the agency sells travel tickets.

FREIGHT - the sum of the price, fees and taxes.

LUGAGGE – any items transported under the Passenger Transport Contract, excluding live animals, which may include personal items carried by the passenger on board the ship. The ship does not have a space for keeping and monitoring luggage. As the space and carrying capacity for transporting luggage on ferry lines is limited, the term "luggage" refers to luggage left unattended on board by passengers at their own risk, which must not exceed a weight of 23 kilograms.

HAND LUGAGGE - luggage (one item) carried by the passenger and kept under their supervision.

PASSENGER – any person on board the ship who is being transported by the ship or who will be transported on the basis of a valid Passenger Transport Contract and ticket, excluding children under one year of age and persons employed on board in any capacity.

TICKET – a document titled "Ticket" or an electronic ticket issued by the carrier or an agency with which the carrier has a regulated contractual relationship.

DISCOUNTED FARE – the right that passengers have on lines in public maritime transport, which includes discounted fares and free transport in accordance with the Law on Transport in Scheduled and Occasional Coastal Maritime Traffic (Zakon o prijevozu u linijskom i povremenom obalnom pomorskom prometu).

TICKET WITH DISCOUNTED FARE – the right to a discounted fare that passengers obtain on the basis of an Island Identity Card for maritime passenger transport, a student card, a card for maritime transport of persons with disabilities and children with developmental difficulties, as prescribed by the Regulation on the Conditions and Manner of Exercising the Right to a Discounted Fare on Lines in Public Maritime Transport (Pravilnik o uvjetima i načinu ostvarivanja prava na povlašteni prijevoz na linijama u javnom pomorskom prijevozu (NN no. 41/2107, 122/2020)

RIGHT TO A DISCOUNT – passengers in passenger traffic on the territory of the Republic of Croatia have the right to a discount in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Discounts in Internal Passenger Transport (Zakon o povlasticama u unutarnjem putničkom prometu NN no. 97/00, 101/00, 98/19)

PORT – a seaport, i.e. a maritime and land area directly connected to the sea with built and unbuilt shores, breakwaters, devices, facilities and other objects intended for mooring, anchoring and protection of ships, yachts and boats, for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers and goods.

PORT OF EMBARKATION – is considered to be the port of departure of the ship if it cannot be determined that the passenger embarked at another port and is marked on the valid ticket.

PORT OF DISEMBARKATION– it refers to the port where a passenger is getting off a ship or a boat and is marked on a valid travel ticket.

SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHT is the accounting unit as defined by the International Monetary Fund.

FORCE MAJEURE - extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances that could not have been prevented, avoided, or eliminated even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Such circumstances include:
• weather conditions that impede navigation (fog, storms, etc.);
• security risks and extraordinary problems that may affect navigation safety;
• political instability (war, attack, civil unrest, conflicts, curfew, etc.).

DAYS mean calendar days, including all seven days of the week, with the assumption that, for the purpose of notification, the day on which the notice is sent will not be counted and, for determining the duration of the validity of the travel ticket, the day on which the ticket was issued or the sea voyage began will not be counted.

Article 1.

TRANSPORT OF PASSENGERS AND LUGGAGE By the transport contract, the carrier undertakes to transport the passenger by ship, and the passenger undertakes to pay the fare. These are general terms and conditions for passenger transport by sea.
The contract is entered into by the mutual consent of both parties. The transport company undertakes to transport the passenger by ship, and the passenger agrees to pay the fare.
The fare is determined by the contract, and the price list is published on the transport company's website.
Passengers can purchase tickets at ticket offices or online on the transport company's website.
If the passenger chooses to purchase a ticket online, they must fill in the required information and send the order. Tickets are reserved for 30 minutes from the moment all purchase details are entered, and within that time, the confirmation of payment is expected. If the online payment transaction is not completed within 30 minutes, the purchase is canceled. Tickets are considered ordered when the passenger selects and confirms the payment method. Once the purchase process is completed, there is no possibility of subsequent changes to the order.
The prices of tickets are in euros.
The ordered products or services are paid for online using one of the debit/credit cards: MasterCard®, Maestro®, Visa or American Express®.
The purchased tickets are sent to the passenger's email address upon receipt of the confirmation approving the online transaction. If the passenger does not receive the tickets or notice of delivery after the same has been sent in the expected time, they have the right to notify the seller to take action to deliver the tickets to the email address. If the passenger, after purchasing the tickets and after the transport company receives the payment confirmation, refuses to receive the tickets, the transport company has the right to request compensation for all delivery-related costs.
Purchased tickets are only valid for travel on the date and time for which they were purchased.

Passengers who purchase tickets online cannot return them to the ticket offices, only by sending a request to the email If the passenger cancels the voyage or changes the date/time of the voyage, they can fill out the form on the transport company's website "CONTACT US” at least 24 hours before undertaking the voyage. Requests for refunds made within 24 hours of the scheduled voyage are not eligible for a refund, but will be considered.
All passengers must have a valid ticket, which they are obliged to show upon request of the ship's commander and/or other authorized crew member when boarding or entering the ship. The carrier is authorized to refuse boarding to passengers who do not possess a valid ticket. In the case of boarding a passenger who does not possess a valid ticket, the transport contract is considered concluded at the time the journey begins. Passengers can purchase tickets at ports where there is a carrier's sales point or through the carrier's official website. A travel ticket for using privileges will be issued upon presentation of valid documents issued by competent authorities.
The carrier is not responsible for tickets purchased in advance, and is only responsible for tickets purchased in the manner described in the previous paragraph of this article. Advance sales refer to the purchase of tickets from an agency or another registered legal or natural person (who performs their activity within or outside the European Union) for the sale of tickets with which the carrier has a contractually regulated relationship and which, in that case, sells tickets on behalf of or on behalf of the carrier. A travel ticket can be issued in electronic form. For tickets purchased electronically, the carrier will issue the passenger with a ticket and an invoice including VAT in accordance with the positive legal regulations of the Republic of Croatia.

The passenger is obliged to print out the issued travel ticket and carry it with them on the journey or save it in electronic form on their smartphone, tablet, or similar device throughout the entire journey and present it upon boarding the ship at the request of the ship's commander and/or another authorized crew member. A travel ticket issued in a specific passenger's name cannot be transferred to another person without the carrier's consent. Personal data collected by the carrier when selling a travel ticket from a passenger are collected, processed, and used in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia as well as with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Implementation Act of the General Data Protection Regulation. A passenger who boards without a valid travel ticket, which they were required to obtain before boarding, must immediately report to the ship's commander or other authorized crew member. Such a passenger may be disembarked by the ship's commander as soon as they fail to comply with the requirements of these General Terms and Conditions. A passenger without a valid travel ticket pays the fare from the boarding port to the disembarkation port, and if they did not report to the ship's commander and/or other authorized crew member on time, they are obliged to pay double the fare for the distance travelled if there is space available on the ship. In this case, a passenger who refuses to pay for a travel ticket is excluded from the journey, and if they refuse to do so, the ship's commander and/or other authorized crew member are obliged to inform the nearest duty on-duty police station. The travel ticket is valid for travel on the day/time indicated on the ticket. The travel time is determined by the timetable.

In the case of purchasing a ticket through the carrier's website, your data is protected and secured through the use of SSL encryption. Internet payment pages are secured using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption of data. SSL encryption is a process of data encryption to prevent unauthorized access during their transfer. This enables secure information transfer and prevents unauthorized access to data during communication between the user's computer and the Webpay service, and vice versa. The WebPay service and financial institutions exchange data using a virtual private network (VPN), which is protected from unauthorized access. Monri Payment Gateway is certified according to the PCI DSS Level 1 security standard prescribed by Visa and MasterCard rules. The merchant does not store credit card numbers, and they are not available to unauthorized persons.

In order to ensure the proper conduct of navigation, the ship's captain and/or other authorized members of the ship's crew may relocate passengers. A passenger who wishes to extend their journey on the same ship beyond the disembarkation port indicated on the valid ticket is required to notify the carrier before boarding the ship for the intended trip. In this case, the passenger must pay an additional fare to the new disembarkation port according to the published fare schedule. Passengers themselves are responsible for any costs incurred due to injuries, illness, or treatment that are not caused by the journey or stay on board, nor are they in any way related to the ship. The carrier does not offer a doctor's service on board, which is why passengers are advised to take out appropriate travel insurance. Passengers assume responsibility if they do not follow this recommendation. The ship does not have designated space for storing and monitoring baggage. Passengers leave their baggage on board at their own risk. Boarding and disembarking baggage from the ship is done independently by the passenger. During the journey, the passenger is responsible for their carry-on baggage, which is transported at the passenger's sole risk.

Passengers are allowed to bring on board luggage weighing no more than 23 kg and to have one piece of carry-on luggage that they keep, monitor, or carry with them. The passenger is solely responsible for the contents of the luggage they bring onto the ship, and the carrier is not liable for any damage resulting from the passenger bringing luggage with contents that are not suitable for transport. The carrier is liable to the passenger for damage caused by loss, damage, or delay in delivering valuable items (money, securities, gold, silver, jewelry, art objects) only if they have been received for safekeeping. The carrier does not have the means to assess the value of the items, and therefore the passenger cannot make a statement about the value of the luggage that exceeds the liability limitations that apply. If hand luggage and luggage after the end of the trip are not picked up or taken off the ship, the carrier is obliged, at the expense and risk of the passenger, to keep it themselves or hand it over to a suitable guardian.

The carrier's liability for damage caused to hand luggage due to damage, loss, or delay in delivering the luggage to the passenger is limited in all cases: (1) for hand luggage - 1,800 Special Drawing Rights per passenger and per journey. The transport of passengers and luggage includes the time that the passenger is on board, the time for embarking and disembarking passengers, and the time for transporting passengers by water from the shore to the ship and back, if the price of this additional transport is included in the price of the ticket, or if the carrier provides the passenger with a ship that is used for that transport. The transport of hand luggage and luggage also includes the time that the passenger spends in the passenger port or on any other port facility on the shore if the carrier has received the hand luggage and luggage but has not delivered it to the passenger. The transport of passengers does not include the time that the passenger spends in the passenger port or on any other port facility on the shore. The carrier has the right to retain and sell hand luggage that has been entrusted to them for transport and valuable items that have been received for safekeeping to satisfy their claims related to the transport of passengers, luggage, and storage of valuable items.

Article 2.


Passengers are obligated to inquire whether the departure time of the ship is in accordance with the published schedule in the port of departure and/or at the carrier's point of sale located in the port of departure. Passengers are required to arrive at the port of departure at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the ship to ensure boarding in accordance with the planned schedule of departures according to the timetable.
In case of cancellation or delay in passenger transport departure, the carrier is obliged to inform passengers of the new planned departure and arrival time as soon as the carrier becomes aware of this information. Notifications in case of cancellation or delay in passenger transport departure will be available to passengers at the terminal in the port of departure. If, in the event of cancellation or delay in departure, passengers miss a connected transport, the carrier will make reasonable efforts to inform those passengers of alternative connections.
In the event of cancellation or delay in passenger transport departure for a period longer than 90 minutes, the carrier is obliged to provide passengers with a free meal (snack) or a refreshing drink (refreshment). In the event of cancellation or delay in passenger transport departure, where an overnight stay for passengers is unavoidable, the carrier is obliged to offer free accommodation, if possible. The total cost for accommodation may be limited to an amount of 80 euros, per person for one night, and for a maximum of three nights.

In the event of cancellation or delay in passenger transport departure for a period longer than 90 minutes, the carrier is obliged to offer passengers the following options:
• travel by another route (re-routing) to the final destination as soon as possible and at no additional cost;
• refund of the fare;
• return to the port of departure at no additional cost, when appropriate and possible (free return trip).

Following the situation described in the previous paragraph, the passenger has the right to request compensation in addition to the alternative transport provided, with a minimum compensation amount of 25% of the ticket price for delay, in the following cases:
-1 hour for travel duration up to 4 hours;
-2 hours for travel duration between 4 and 8 hours;
-3 hours for travel duration between 8 and 24 hours;
-6 hours for travel duration over 24 hours.

In case the delay time is twice as long as the previously mentioned time periods, the compensation is increased to 50% of the ticket price. The carrier is exempt from paying compensation or providing accommodation to passengers in cases where the cause of delay or cancellation of the trip is due to weather conditions that endanger safe navigation. If the carrier fails to transport the passenger to the destination on time, they are responsible for any damages suffered by the passenger due to the delay, unless the carrier proves that the delay was due to causes beyond their control that could not be avoided even by a competent professional.

Article 3.



The passenger may submit a complaint to the carrier at the carrier's address or via email at within two months from the day the journey was undertaken or from the day when the journey was supposed to be undertaken, and the carrier is obliged to respond to the complaint within one month from the day of receipt, informing the passenger whether the complaint is justified, rejected or still under consideration. The carrier is obliged to inform the passenger of the decision on the complaint no later than 2 months from the day the complaint was received.
If the passenger is not satisfied with the response, they can contact the Agency for Coastal Liner Shipping, Ulica grada Antofagaste 6, 21000 Split, phone: 021/329-370, fax: 021/329-379, email:
If there is a dispute, it can be resolved out of court using the alternative dispute resolution procedure.
If the passenger purchased the ticket through the carrier's official website, they can file a complaint via the online dispute resolution platform.

Alternative dispute resolution and dispute resolution through the online dispute resolution platform are available only to EU residents. The passenger can file a compensation claim using the European Small Claims Procedure.


The passenger is obliged to submit a written complaint to the carrier via email at
• if visible damage has been caused to the baggage - before or at the time of passenger disembarkation;
• if the damage to the baggage is not visible or in case of loss of baggage - within 15 days from the day of disembarkation or issuance or from the day when the baggage was supposed to be issued.

If the passenger does not submit a written complaint to the carrier, it is assumed, until proven otherwise, that the baggage was received in good condition. A written complaint is not necessary if the condition of the baggage is determined in the presence of both parties at the time of its receipt.
The passenger may declare that they consider the baggage lost if it is not delivered to them within 30 days from the end of the trip, with the right to demand that the carrier inform them by email at if the baggage is found within one year from the date of payment of compensation for the loss of baggage.
Within 30 days of receiving notice of the recovery of the baggage, the passenger may demand the delivery of the baggage, with payment of transport costs, to the location of their choice. The passenger who retrieves the found baggage must return the amount paid to them as compensation for the loss of baggage, minus the fare refunded to them, but retains the right to compensation for the delay in delivering the baggage. If the passenger does not make the above request, the carrier has the right to dispose of the baggage freely.


In the event of a maritime accident, the carrier is obliged to compensate for material and non-material damage arising during transport, injury, or death of the passenger, unless it was caused by the action of the passenger or a foreign cause that could not be foreseen, avoided, or remedied. If the damage was not caused intentionally or by gross negligence, the carrier is obliged to compensate for the damage up to the amount provided by positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia or an international agreement. The carrier can be exempt from liability for damage if they prove that the damage was caused by the action of the passenger or force majeure. The carrier is not liable for damage that is not causally related to the transport provided. In case of loss or damage of hand baggage due to a maritime accident, the passenger may notify the carrier in writing by email at no later than 15 days after disembarking or receiving the baggage.

Article 4.


The carrier is released from liability for damages if they prove that they could not fulfill their obligation or were delayed in fulfilling it due to external, extraordinary, and unforeseeable circumstances that occurred after the conclusion of the contract, which they could not prevent, remedy or avoid. The carrier is not obliged to compensate the passenger for damages in case of force majeure after the transport contract has been concluded but before the occurrence of a force majeure event. If the trip has started, and then a force majeure reason occurs, the carrier is obliged to only refund the difference in the price of the contracted and provided services.

Article 5.

PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES OR PERSONS WITH REDUCED MOBILITY The carrier shall establish or have available non-discriminatory access conditions for persons with disabilities or persons with reduced mobility and their companions. Within its areas of responsibility, the carrier shall provide assistance free of charge to persons with disabilities or persons with reduced mobility, including boarding and disembarking on ships. Assistance shall, if possible, be adapted to the individual needs of these persons. Persons referred to in the preceding paragraph of this Article may contact the carrier in any available way 48 hours before the scheduled departure (by phone, email, or by going to the ticket sales point provided by the carrier) with the exact route and travel date. These persons can also always contact the agency where the ticket was purchased. In cases where one ticket is used for several trips, it is sufficient to inform the carrier once. Persons with disabilities or persons with reduced mobility shall be identified by authorized persons appointed by the carrier in the port of departure no later than 60 minutes before the published departure time. In the event that a person with a disability or reduced mobility travels with a guide dog, the carrier must be informed. When the carrier provides transport in coastal shipping services, passengers are entitled to preferential transport with a discount and free transport. The conditions and procedure for exercising the right to preferential transport on lines in public maritime transport are prescribed by the Law on Transport in Scheduled and Occasional Coastal Maritime Transport Zakon o prijevozu u linijskom i povremenom obalnom pomorskom prometu (NN No. 33/06, 38/09, 87/09, 18/11, 80/13, 56/16, 121/19). The carrier may request that a person with a disability or reduced mobility, for safety reasons, travel accompanied by another person. An attendant of a person with a disability or reduced mobility is entitled to free transportation. In the event of cancellation or delay in departure, the provisions of Article 3 of these General Terms and Conditions shall apply.

Article 6.


Every person who has not reached the age of 14 must travel accompanied by an adult, otherwise the ship's captain may deny the right to travel for safety reasons.

Article 7.

RIGHT TO DENY TRANSPORTATION The transport of dangerous goods such as explosive substances, gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids, self-reactive substances, substances that emit flammable gases upon contact with water, oxidizing substances, organic peroxides, poisons, infectious substances, radioactive materials, corrosive substances, and other dangerous substances is prohibited.
The carrier shall refuse to carry the following items as hand luggage:
• items likely to endanger the ship or persons and property on board;
• items whose transport is prohibited by positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia and international regulations;
• items that the carrier reasonably believes are unsuitable for carriage because they are dangerous, unsafe, or considered unsuitable for carriage due to their weight, size, volume, or other characteristics, such as fragility and perishability;
• firearms and ammunition, except for firearms and ammunition for hunting or sports purposes. Firearms must be unloaded, locked, and properly packed;
• weapons such as antique firearms, swords, knives, and similar items may only be accepted for transport at the discretion of the carrier.

If, despite the ban, any item listed in the previous paragraph is included in the passenger's luggage, the carrier shall not be liable for any damage or delay relating to such items. If the carrier finds any of the above items during transport, it may deny their further transport.
The carrier may refuse to carry as hand luggage and luggage any item that it reasonably believes is unsuitable for carriage due to its weight, size, volume, or other characteristics or is unsuitable for carriage due to safety reasons or for the comfort of other passengers. The carrier may refuse to accept hand luggage and luggage that, in its reasonable opinion, is not properly packed in suitcases.

Article 8.


The transport of animals, specifically dogs, cats, and birds, is allowed. Animals listed in the previous article are transported at the passenger's own risk, and passengers are responsible for any damage caused by their animals. Passengers must ensure that their animals are properly housed in appropriate containers/cages. Dogs must be kept on a leash. Rehabilitation dogs, therapy dogs, or guide dogs may be transported outside of the box/cage and may be transported without a muzzle, but they must not be placed immediately next to children during transport. Dogs in the previous paragraph must have an official uniform. For dogs listed in the previous paragraph will not be charged a fare, regardless of the length of the journey. The carrier will not be liable for illness, loss, or death of the animals listed in this article.

Article 9.


Rules of conduct on board are prescribed in the interest of the carrier, as well as the passengers. If, in the carrier's opinion, a passenger on board behaves in a manner that endangers the navigation of the ship or any person or property on board, or hinders the crew in performing their duties, or does not follow any instructions from the crew (including, among others, instructions regarding smoking, alcohol consumption, or drug use), or if their behavior is such that it causes discomfort or inconvenience to other passengers and crew, or causes them harm or injury, the carrier may take such measures as it deems necessary to prevent the continuation of such behavior, including restricting the freedom of such passenger.
In such cases, the passenger may be disembarked from the ship or prevented from continuing their journey at any place of disembarkation without a refund of the purchased ticket, and they may be prosecuted for offenses committed on board and required to pay compensation for any damage incurred.
The carrier may also take measures to prevent a passenger from traveling for any reason described in the previous paragraph, all for the safety of the ship's navigation. The captain reserves the right to change the planned route in the event of bad weather or similar situations that may endanger the ship and passengers. During navigation, jumping from the ship into the sea is prohibited, and in case of bad weather conditions, passenger movement within the ship should be kept to a minimum and with great care.
Passengers should pay attention when walking on the outer part of the ship and when disembarking, as the floor may be slippery.
Life jackets are located under the seats.

Smoking is prohibited on board.
Passengers may only throw toilet paper into the toilet bowl. Throwing garbage and other objects into the sea is prohibited. Water supply may be a problem on board. Therefore, passengers are requested to use water rationally. The captain and other crew members are available for any inquiries. If they cannot provide a satisfactory answer, passengers are requested to contact the carrier at

Article 10.


These General Terms and Conditions apply to public maritime transport lines for which the carrier has a regulated contractual relationship, as well as private carrier lines in inland and international waters of the European Union. These General Terms and Conditions shall apply only if they are not in conflict with the applicable law. If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is void under any applicable law, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.
Unless otherwise provided in these General Terms and Conditions, in the event that these General Terms and Conditions and any other rules prescribed by the carrier that deal with specific areas differ, these General Terms and Conditions shall derogate from those rules to the extent that they differ.
These General Terms and Conditions of Business are published on the carrier's website and are also available on every vessel used by the carrier for transport on public maritime transport lines for which the carrier has a regulated contractual relationship, as well as on vessels used by the carrier for transport on private lines in inland and international waters of the European Union.
Only the Croatian text of these General Terms and Conditions is authentic. In the event of any differences between the English and Croatian texts of these General Terms and Conditions, the text in Croatian shall be authoritative for their interpretation.

These General Terms and Conditions of Business shall apply from April 13, 2023.